To our dear family in the Lord —

Teen Camp

As it already became a good tradition and practice, this summer we again had a teenage camp in the mountains. This time there were a few less participants than last year, but also we had two teens who were for the very first time with us. Both of them had the same name, Vasilie, and they are best friends from their neighborhood. Both of them were getting this year Christmas shoe boxes for the first time where they showed their interest to join us for the summer camp.

When we called them to give information about the camp activities explaining that this is Christian camp, one of the parents said that his son is not interested in spiritual matters. He asked if his son could be excused from attending the Bible lectures. Well, it was not set by rules how things should function at the camp, so he got negative answer. During the camp and lectures we saw the opposite: his son was asking different questions and expressed his regret that he didn’t know more of our general activities. Please pray for both Vasilies to be willing to attend our regular teenage clubs and activities when school year begins.

We are so thankful for those who supported this camp with their gifts.

Building Project

Exciting news!

We can’t thank enough  to our Lord when we see His gracious hand on this project.

First major activity: taking down an old house at the back of the property

For us it is so obvious that He is building house of prayer for the nation(s). We are honored to be made as partakers in His work. There is already 62% of needed money for the whole project! And we have another promise for donation that will make 2/3 of needed money.

As you know we purchased the land and recently got enough money to start the building. As soon as we will get all the papers and permissions from the government  we will be able to start the work. We are praising the Lord and thanking Him for all future donors to finish the project.

We believe what He started He will finish it off and that He has His people who will respond to His calling to also be partakers in this project. And so we met:

A Lawyer – Miodrag

Some time ago I was praying: Lord, connect us with people who are following you in Podgorica whom we do not know yet. By interesting circumstances we came in touch with a young lawyer who is clearly expressing his faith in Jesus Christ and testifying of changed life since he repented.

He was also so excited to share how he got revelation a year ago that we are saved through God’s grace and faith alone. We are praying that he would see the need for fellowship and join the church. He said that he would do all legal paper work for the project as a gift, free of charge!

I am praying that this project will bring more people together and that all of us, through the work, will become even more close to each other.

front look

look from the side

First major activity: on the house, taking roof tiles down

First major activity: house gone, first job done! 


Last Sunday a young man whom I know for almost 10 years came with special news! After the meeting he approached to me and said: Vladimir, I want to tell you that I converted! It happened two months ago but I didn’t have opportunity to let you know.”

He was coming from time to time to Sunday meetings with his friend, but he was always kind of distant. His first exposure to the Gospel was almost 10 years ago through a man from church who used to live at their rental apartment. At that time he was 13 but then he decided to go to Eastern Orthodox church. Later on he realized that the traditional church is not offering a true faith and knowledge of God but is more about nationalism and tradition that doesn’t have connection in the Bible. In his quest to find the truth, he was attracted to Islam, so he started to go to the mosque and practice that religion. It took almost two years but then he could see many errors in that religion too.

Finally, he came to the knowledge through research (he loves history) that Jesus is the One who was promised to come through prophecies and that He is truly historical person. Not only that He realized that He is the Truth worth to be followed. Few months passed and then he said to himself: “why am I waiting?, I am going to follow Him, He is the Truth and everything around Him is the truth.”

Because of so many years of research through historical books and through the Bible he knows many verses that he quotes in right way and spirit. It took many years but then there is great material ready to be used!

Please pray for Savo, a young man (22) who is deciding to follow Jesus as his Lord, so he would have more and more spiritual insight and revelations to be closer and closer to Him.

Prayer points

1. Two teenage Vasilies and their families
2. Building project – admin work, practical work, finances…
3. A lawyer Miodrag – to see the need for fellowship
4. Savo – to be a true disciple of Jesus

We love you and pray that this news will bless you and encourage your hearts to follow Him even closer,

In His love,

Vladimir and Marijana

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