Masha and her kids are clean from Covid-19! Praise the Lord!

Now we have new very painful situation. In May, three little babies were found cast out. It was on TV yesterday. One was found dead in a garbage can, another one on a bench by an apartment building…. the quarantine has stressed people to the edge.

Of course those mothers had either addiction or mental illness and being isolated they did not get helped on time or something…but I believe the entire world needs to change focus from money-pleasure to God’s true values.

My friends and I try to help people in need among the ones we know with the great help from people like you. Now we can supply kids in the hospital with water in bottles. They can’t afford to buy them. They have water in big containers which is not good now. Parents can bring bottles for their kids but orphans need help.

Thank you for sharing your love with us here. We can feel it across the oceans.

Love you all and praise God for you.

— Marina and us.

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