
Camps & Orphanages

Camps and OrphanagesStoneworks International sponsors teams of Americans who prepare for ministry and then travel overseas, typically to a summer camp or orphanage.  Teams range in size from just a few to over a dozen members. Stoneworks sends teams to Russia and Montenegro.

Click here to read more about Camps and Orphanages.


Medical careSunbeam, a day center for children with disabilities. Stoneworks is working with the Estonian charity Päikesekiir in partnership with the local city government. Let us know if you’d like to help in any way. We need teams to help renovate the building, and we need funds to purchase wheelchairs, standing frames, etc.

Click here to read more about Sunbeam.

Humanitarian Aid

Humanitarian Aid
Stoneworks provides for the basic life needs of needy people, including, but not limited to, orphans, the homeless and the elderly.  These provisions may include, but will not be limited to, medical and dental care, medicines, housing, clothing, food and emergency funds.

Click here to read more about Humanitarian Aid.