As in June, we’ve been traveling a lot in July. In the first half of the month I was ministering as a pastor in a youth camp. This is the second time they invited me to be the pastor. Maybe they liked the first time. 🙂

This time the camp was a little different: no kids, just teenagers, mostly girls. Just two or three guys in each group. Most of the staff were girls. Again I was “Pastor Yury”, “Sir”. But I a kind of learned how to accept/ignore that.

The camp was a very unusual and interesting experience. Never before in my life I had worked/communicated with so many girls. I found it interesting but… tough. Much tougher then with the guys.

The topic of the camp was “New Name” – the one I’ve been working on for at least a year. It’s one of the most significant topics of John Eldredge’s Boot Camp. And now they invite me to pastor a camp with this very topic. This is the style of our Lord. 🙂

So, the Lord was teaching me new things from this camp. I learned how to minister to girls, both teenagers and in their twenties, I saw confirmation about my New Name research, and just in general, the camp was very good time. Got new friends. Some of the guys got really interested in men’s work and will come this August to our camp in Murmansk region.

Thank you for your support! Both prayer and financial. This is important indeed!

Many blessings!
